Charity Bartlett

Charity Bartlett’s commitment and drive for a more connected community is evident from her time with the Carlington Community Association (CCA), a volunteer-run, not-for-profit dedicated to building a greener, safer, and better Carlington for all residents. For the last three years Charity has served as the association’s president and was an active member for several years prior. During her tenure as President, the Carlington Community Association has seen a dramatic period of growth as Charity worked hard to promote advocacy, connectivity, and education of community services and programs. Under her leadership, the CCA secured vital grants and sponsorships allowing more accessible and inclusive community-driven events. As president of the CCA Charity made it her mission to bridge the divide between the Carlington Alexander and Caldwell communities. She has consistently sought ways to include residents from Caldwell in CCA activities, and has worked with partners to host events in Caldwell, building trust and a sense of community for all.

Learn more about Charity